As seen on: Yoga Magic

Women are magical, badass beings. We just are. So when I get an opportunity to chat with other like-minded, entrepreneurial mamas, sign me up. There was no question when my good friend Ashley Sondergaard asked me to join her on her podcast, Yoga Magic, for a day. She is a prolific podcaster, with loads of content exploring self-care, self-discovering, feminism, spirituality, and of course, yoga. She asked me to return as a guest this spring to discuss “The Complexity of Feminism and Motherhood”. In the episode, we talk about self-care, motherhood, and the inherent challenges of simply being a woman. 

I hope you pop over to hear our chat! Ashley is an amazing host who asked me some truly thought provoking and powerful questions. You can hear us discuss the realities of being millennial mothers, the uneven load that comes with being the birthing parent, and my own personal birth story. I discuss how my idea of self-care has evolved, but how I still make it a priority, and how I have learned to lean into rest, even when client workload is high and managing a team is a big professional priority. We really unpack a lot in that hour, you guys! Enjoy.

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