Jester: Branding Inspiration

This brand archetype reminds me of that one friend that can always make you laugh no matter the circumstances. They light up a room with their humor and personality and are the masters of living life with a positive attitude!

There is so much room for fun visuals within the brand archetype because the last thing they want to do is be boring. Bright colors, funky patterns, and energetic photographs will help portray the light-hearted personality your audience is looking for.


Jesters are special because of their energy! Not only do they have a lot of it, but it is the kind of energy that takes over situations and that everyone can feel. They want their audience to join them in their efforts and encourage them to step out of their comfort zone a bit. This little push is just enough to get your clients excited and joyous about their journey with you! This energy manifests itself in bold and sometimes over-the-top marketing. Show that you like to live a bit on the wild side and that nothing in life needs to be taken too seriously. 

By nature Jesters are entertainers. The ones who like to be in the spotlight and bring smiles to people’s faces. Your messages, no matter their higher purpose, should entertain your audience. Transport them to a fun new place and captivate them with your brand! Your clients want to feel playful and young when they are interacting with you, so give them the experience to remember. Visuals that draw your viewers in and show them all the fun they could be having with you will speak volumes!

Also known as the Trickster or Joker, this brand archetype is extremely clever and humorous. This cleverness can help them come up with new and fresh solutions and ideas for their clients. They can figure out the perfect way to go about solving a problem, and will make the process fun while they are at it! They bring a sense of humor to situations, meaning this brand archetype isn’t fit for all industries. Find ways to add small touches of humor to your designs and branding! Let your bright and bold personality shine, and your dreamy clients will notice. 

The Jester brand archetype brings together so many fun traits and this is evident in our moodboard inspiration. You want your audience and clients to associate your brand with positive memories and good times, so use visuals to your advantage! Create viral-worthy and witty content that can be elevated with funky photographs and energetic patterns. 

Are you a Jester Brand Archetype? Read about color palettes and font pairings for the Jester, or dive deeper into more information about Jesters and their key traits.

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Jester: Fonts