Innocent Brand Archetype

The Innocent attracts their dreamy clients through their pure, unadulterated nature.

The Innocent Archetype embodies all the characteristics that the word Innocent carries. The Innocent are idealists and traditionalists. They exude simplicity and authenticity. The Innocent’s goal is to create happiness while spreading optimism. 

Often when we think of someone being innocent, we think of the children in our lives. Children are untainted by the challenges of life. The Innocent archetype can bring about feelings of nostalgia in their clients and consumers. They have a purity to them that is so gentle and sweet. These are exactly the qualities the Innocent possesses; in business, the Innocent provides value through their simple solutions. They communicate in a straightforward way, which creates trust with their clients. Innocents also have high moral standards, further strengthening the trust they have with clients. 

The Innocent Archetype has a natural connection to nature. This can come in various forms depending on the individual. They can showcase this through a desire to improve nature. Or they can utilize nature in the things that they create. Driven by their desire to create a better world, the Innocent strives for perfection. They utilize their positive outlook to lift others out of darkness and turmoil. 

The Innocent has a fear of negativity. They also have a fear of ingratitude and selfishness. Given their pure and honest nature, they are very forgiving and trusting. This can open them up to disappointment if they run into a more selfish individual. The Innocent has a very positive mentality, an optimistic faith. To them, the cup is always full...not half full, but always full. This, at times, can read as naive.  

Okay! Let’s talk Innocent Brand Archetype examples! 

TOMS is a great example of the Innocent archetype. TOMS focuses on “growing the good.” They devote a lot of resources to improving situations and creating happiness. TOMS used to have a one-for-one policy; for every pair of shoes purchased, the company would donate a pair of shoes. They officially retired the program in 2019 and instead, TOMS invests ⅓ of their profits into what they call “grassroots good” efforts.  Grassroots goods are organizations that influence change at the local level. They invest in these organizations to change the quality of life for others. This change continues to prove TOMS is the Innocent archetype, as they strive to do the right thing and create change within the community. Another aspect of the TOMS brand that showcases the Innocent archetype is its logo. Their logo is minimalistic with a no-frills, sans serif font. The inclusion of their logo on their shoes is also minimal. It takes up very little space on their shoes or clothing. This allows the shoe and design to take center stage.

Dove Soap is also a good example of the Innocent brand. The dove is a symbol of innocence, love, peace, and helping others. The company Dove uses minimal elements in its branding. There is a large amount of white space around their Dove wordmark, using a clean, italicized font. Consumers are drawn to and stay loyal to, Dove because the company makes them feel safe and comforted. Dove markets itself as the home of real beauty and that’s marketed with sincerity. Their products make consumers feel supported. Dove also tackles real-world concerns like racial discrimination and unrealistic beauty standards, highlighting these issues in their messaging. The Innocent can always be trusted to do the right thing. So with Dove advocating for these issues, it further exemplifies why they belong in the Innocent Archetype. 

So how do you activate your Innocent archetype to land those dreamy clients? Below walks through some ways you can hone in and activate your archetype.

  • Simple solutions are valuable! It’s something your clients appreciate about working with you. 

  • BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF!! There is no need to go off script or attempt to fit in.

  • Embrace your all-natural approach... You can toss the frilly jargon and the overthinking!

  • LESS IS MORE! Clients are drawn to you because of your minimalist style. Think of this when it comes to copy and design. It is okay to have white space and muted color schemes. 

  • Focus on your clear honest message! Your clients care deeply about this. LEAN into it and showcase that in your voice and visuals. 

The Innocent spreads optimism and purifies life through their honest, wholesome and happy nature.

Are you an Innocent Brand Archetype? Read about color palettes and font pairings for the Innocent, or curate a mood board from some of our favorite Innocent Inspiration images on Pinterest. 


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