Rebel: Branding Inspiration

The ones who aren’t scared to be different or outcasts, Rebels thrive when they have a challenge.

They are bold and unafraid, so visuals that are unorthodox and non-conforming will help you resonate and connect with others who are just as non-traditional as you. 

The main thing that comes to mind for me regarding this brand archetype is rule-breaker. Think the bad boy in the cheesy 90’s romance movie that steals the main character's heart. Their charm is in their bravery- they appear unaffected by obstacles and embrace the disruption they want to create.

Visuals that depict this rule-breaking behavior will help show your audience that you fully support them in going against the status quo to be who they really want to be. It helps to think about how your visuals contrast those of other brands. How can you use elements to challenge what is traditionally expected of you and tap into your Rebel characteristics?

This brand archetype is the wild child. They have a natural power within them, and their biggest fear is becoming powerless in situations. They embody a wild and free personality because they deeply value their freedom- the freedom that they want their customers to experience also! They forge their own path and don’t care if anyone follows them or not.

Images and elements that represent power and wild energy will speak volumes to your audience. Find ways to show your customers that the power they have within them is enough and special. You will be right next to them as they use this power for their own revolution, so convey that to them from the start!

Because of the power and drive that Rebels have, they tend to be very influential. They are the ones who aren’t afraid to start the revolution, and in turn people follow suit. Their dislike of conformity helps them shine in being different from the rest. Rebels understand that standing out is a good thing and that their ideas and outlook on the world have the ability to make waves.

Use visual elements within your brand to plant the seeds of change in your audience. Embrace your natural ability to influence and impact other people!

The Rebel brand archetype moodboard visually highlights ideas of bravery, power, and influence. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” may be cheesy but it is rooted in truth! Visuals have the power to share emotions and feelings like words can’t always do. Show your audience that you understand them when they may feel like no one else does. Encourage their self-expression and rebellion against the norm. That is the key to connecting with your Rebel brand audience and making some magic happen!

Are you a Rebel Brand Archetype? Read about color palettes and font pairings for the Rebel, or dive deeper into more information about Rebels and their key traits.

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Rebel: Fonts


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