Sage: Fonts

Because fonts are used in so many different aspects of branding and brand identity, the font that you choose has the potential to become directly associated with who you are and what you stand for.

Wise and timeless doesn’t mean that you are limited to boring choices! Below are a range of font suggestions so that you can find one that works best for you while still sstayng in touch with your inner Sage brand archetype.

Let’s jump into the fonts!

Artemis is a contemporary and elegant display semi-serif typeface (semi-serif, how cool is that)! It’s a unique approach of making upper and lower case letters the same height giving it lots of personality while its delicate lines remain intentional and purposeful. Named after a goddess of Greek mythology, it exudes historical influence.

Inspired by the fonts that are found on old spirits and liquor bottles, Winston is a perfect mix of vintage and modern. It is bold and assured, but its small serif touches elevate it up from simply being a sans serif capital font. This font choice plays into the truthful and honest nature of the Sage brand archetype. 

Bastille sans is a straightforward and meaningful sans serif font choice. It gets to the point and has no unnecessary additions or elements. Use a font like this to help communicate your insights directly and honestly to your audience. Clean and simple, things that the Sage brand archetype can appreciate. 

A geometric sans font that is both versatile and contemporary, Westmount is strong and balanced. Its wide letter spacing gives it room to breathe and makes the intensity of its all caps more approachable. This font is timeless and tested but still warm enough to draw in your audience and gain their trust. 

Made Saonara is a funky and fun overlapping typeface inspired by traditional fashion brand design. This font is more of a trendy and outgoing option for the Sage brand archetype, but it still mimics the core values that they appreciate. It remains authoritative while adding in some more designer-y appearance!

Resembling the soft and friendly forms from the 1970’s, Heirloom has chill vibes and natural earthy roots. Its dark letterforms help it stay strong while its refined characteristic gives it a modern relaxed attitude. It has a refreshingly optimistic feeling that will help connect you with your knowledge-focused Sage clients.

Equinox is a unique sans serif typeface with geometric letter tails and rounded forms. At first glance, it resembles many other font choices, but its small alterations make it special. It's rare to combine the contrasting lines of a serif font in a sans serif font, but it gives a funky feel to what can be a typical font choice.

A classy and modern font with style to separate it from the crowd, Lost Lovers is another timeless font choice for the Sage brand archetype. It has extremely high contrast that juxtaposes its soft curves and flowy circles. It walks the line between feminine and masculine aesthetics very well. 

Kinfolk is a classic-style serif typeface that has been modernized with its unique curves and negative space. These fancy little additions make it a memorable alternative to a fully traditional capital serif font. Its light and unintimidating while still appearing knowledgeable and wise. 

Last but not least we have Idealist. A stylish font with letters that seem to dance and twist harmoniously together, it has hints of traditional font design within its additional flourishes. Although most Sage brands focus on minimalism and avoiding excess design, I couldn’t resist including one funky and fancy type choice.

The Sage brand archetype is empowering and focused on educating. They want to bring change to the world and help share important and factual information with everyone. Use any of these font suggestions to activate your intelligent and insightful nature!

Are you a Sage Brand Archetype? Read about colors for the Sage, curate a mood board from some of our favorite Sage Inspiration images on Pinterest, or dive deeper into more information about the Sage and their key traits.

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