Three hair tips for your next brand photoshoot

I recently shared three hot hair tips for your next brand photoshoot on Instagram.

And frankly, these super pragmatic ideas will help you feel more confident in your next brand photoshoot, promising a good hair day every time you step in front of the camera.

Tip 1: Skip the wash

Yep, dirty hair will always styles better.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I frequently talk about how I NEVER wash my hair. Like, never. Like never weekly, barely monthly, and I can probably count the number of times I wash it yearly on one hand.

And guess what? My hair holds a curl and style incredibly well (although admittedly it does not always hold up to humidity like I would like).

I do have course hair, which helps hold style, of course. But regardless of hair type, dirty hair typically is far more agreeable and predictable in front of the lens.

If you’re hesitant to stop washing, I suggest you start by stopping shampooing first. Wet your hair, skip the shampoo, and only condition the ends and any dry spots you have (mine are the baby hairs around my hairline, especially my side burns and temples).

Shampoo is notorious for stripping your scalp and hair, and a good shampoo-less scrub will help any dead skin and guck loosen from your scalp without the hair shaft being stripped and your scalp over-drying, which causes an overproduction of oil and, you guessed it, extra greasy hair. What a paradox!

Then slowly add days between your new wash regimen. It will take time for your scalp to adjust, but I promise you, it will adjust. In the mean time, find your favorite hair accessories for wearing your hair up and hide it under a hat if you’re concerned. You might not get to go as long as I do between washes, but the time you will save on washing, drying, and styling and the money you’ll save on products are both well worth it for a few awkward hair weeks.

Your next brand photoshoot is just screaming for you to have good hair. You deserve to love your brand photos and video. So give dirty hair a try as you prep for your next big brand photoshoot!

Tip 2: Keep it tight

Once you curl a strand, leave it alone. Touching your curls and breaking them up while you’re getting ready just encourages them to fall.

Keep them tight when you finish with your barrel, hot iron, or round brush and blow dryer. Better yet, pin or clip them up to keep the curl in place until the heat cools, encouraging the style to stay put even longer. Once cooled, you can unwind the curls and remove the pins, but still don’t touch or finger comb those curls. Be patient!

Once you’re on set at your brand photoshoot and just before you strike a pose, run your fingers through your curls and let them relax a bit. Play around and enjoy the lovely bounce you’ve just achieved.

Although I personally don’t use a setting or hair spray as a part of my no-wash rule, you might want or need to. Sticky products create build-up that can cause excess oil production and/or dry out my hair, and since I never wash, I don’t risk any products building up on my hair. If you like a spray and that helps your style stay, try a flexible hold while your curls are still tight and setting, and then run your fingers through them when you arrive at your brand photoshoot.

The last thing I recommend once you loosen your curls out is to use a dry oil on the ends. Keeping your curls soft, natural, and frizz free will help them shine for the camera. I’ve used both spray oils and oils in a dropper bottle. I prefer the latter as I have better control of where it goes and I can avoid over-applying and getting my roots oiled up. Keep these products for the ends of your hair!

Tip 3: Stop curling your hair

Listen up: if your hair doesn’t hold a curl, STOP CURLING YOUR HAIR! There is no reason for you to risk a bad brand photoshoot because you’re too stubborn to choose a style that’s better suited for you.

What works for YOU? That will always help your brand photos shine.

Inspiration is everywhere- chat with your favorite stylist about options that suit your mop, or scan Pinterest to find your best hair options.

Remember that you are your niche; fully embracing your magic will help those dreamy clients fall in love with the real you, the one that’s easiest and most natural to show up as. If that means no curls, then get after whatever works for you.

And if doing your hair for a brand photoshoot stresses you out, book a blowout at your favorite salon the morning of and take that off your plate!

You have plenty of other things to consider, like what to wear and the perfect makeup that wows.

Here are a few of my favorite things that help me prep my best hair for my brand photoshoots.

I’ve included affiliate links only for thing I personally use and absolutely love, and I hope you love them, too:


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