Using the 12 Brand Archetypes to Catapult Your Brand

Every brand has a unique personality, a vibe that sets it apart—and that’s where brand archetypes come in. Archetypes are the storytelling framework that helps you connect deeply with your audience by embodying traits they relate to and admire.

Whether your brand exudes the creativity of The Creator or the trustworthiness of The Caregiver, knowing your archetype unlocks clarity in messaging, visuals, and emotional appeal. It’s the secret sauce for building a brand that feels authentic, memorable, and obsession-worthy. Let’s discover yours.

Okay so wtf is a brand archetype?

Archetypes were established by Carl Gustav Jung. Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. If you are thinking this sounds a lot like Freud, you’re right. Jung and Freud were BFFs…until they weren’t. Jung developed many fascinating theories, including Archetypes, defined as universal, primal symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious.

Cute... but what does THAT mean?

Archetypes are innate, unspecific knowledge, derived from the sum total of human history, directing conscious behavior. They are underlying base forms from which emerge images and motifs. History, culture and personal context shape these created representations thereby giving them their specific content. Critics claimed these theories are reductionist and stereotypical, solidifying the cultural prejudices of the interpreter.

I mean think about cultures around the world. Cultures across all time have highly similar, if not identical, stories with no ability to have collaborated or idea-shared, like origin stories.

Now translate this concept of archetypes to brands. A brand archetype is “...a universally familiar character or situation that transcends times, place, culture, genre, and age. It represents an eternal truth.” - Advertising Strategist, Jon Howard-Spink.

Knowing your archetype gives your brand power. With your archetype, you cap tap into the emotional experience your audience desires and can convey your message more efficiently. Basically: YOU WILL TELL A BETTER STORY. There are 12 different brand archetypes. These 12 are broken down into 4 key desires. These desires are the core purpose of each specific archetype. It is what they provide to their audience and each individual archetype activates these desires in a different way. 

Let’s look at the 4 desires and the archetypes that fall into each one. 

Provide Structure

Caregiver provides structure through service

Ruler provides structure through control

Creator provides structure through innovation 

Explore Spirituality 

Innocent explores spirituality through safety

Sage explores spirituality through knowledge

Explorer explores spiritualty through freedom

Leaves a Legacy 

Outlaw leaves a legacy through liberation

Magician leaves a legacy through power

Hero leaves a legacy through mastery

Pursue Connection

Citizen pursues connection through belonging

Jester pursues connection through enjoyment

Lover pursues connection through intimacy

Learning and understanding your brand archetype will allow you to activate your archetype. Each archetype has a unique way of connecting with their audience. Tapping into things like, what the audience looks for in a brand, how they like to be communicated to, what colors resonate with them, etc, will make it easier to reach and convert those dreamy customers. 

Have you identified your brand archetype? Take this quick quiz to uncover your brand archetype. Explore the corresponding content to further dive into and master your archetype. 

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