The Citizen Brand Archetype

Do you ever feel like everyone is trying to stand out and you are desperately craving to fit in?

Perhaps you identify with the Citizen, also called the Girl/Guy Next Door Archetype! The Citizen is also referred to as the Everyday Person; around here, we simplify even more with β€œthe every person.” 

Regardless of what you call it, The Citizen Archetype has characteristics of an everyday, normal person. They usually don’t want to stand out from the crowd and are totally okay with blending in. They are wholesome and genuine which resonates with their dreamy clients. Their realism makes them likable and relatable. Makes sense right? Sometimes we see others online and play a comparison game. The Citizen normalizes the desire to fit in and embraces the beauty of being yourself.

Citizens have very ordinary values. They aren’t advertising gimmicks or making big ploys to attract clients. Instead, they stick to their core beliefs and style up their values with a special touch. The Citizen is honest and authentic. They depict the everyday reality that most of the population lives in. And because they are right in the midst of it, they can empathize with their clients. 

The core values of the Citizen are also very attractive to their audiences. They aren’t afraid to do the work. This ties into their feeling of wanting to fit in, they want to earn their stripes. The Citizen values connection with others. Most of their actions tie back to their desire to belong. At times, this archetype can be seen as unambitious. Some translate their desire to fit in as a desire to remain stagnant, limiting growth; they aren’t desiring rising above their current situation as they don’t want to stand out. 

In business, the Citizen sends messages that it is okay to fit in! Think about everyday brands. The Citizen becomes a comfort zone for their clients and customers. This is exactly where they would like to stay. They need to also be friendly. Their dreamy client fears rejection or sticking out, so the Citizen needs to make their consumers feel like they belong. Given their brand focuses on being an β€œeveryday brand”, it can be hard to differentiate from the competition. Developing a cost leadership strategy can bode well for the Citizen. The key things here are to produce or offer things that are consistent, authentic, and high quality - that is what those dreamy clients want from the Citizen. 

So can you think of any companies that just scream β€œCitizen”?

One brand that really exemplifies the Citizen Archetype is IKEA. IKEA has a tagline that reads, β€œThe Wonderful Everyday.” When you visit the IKEA website, the first thing you see are everyday pictures. You might see a family hanging on a couch to showcase the furniture they offer or someone reading at a desk. These pictures convey normal day to day activities. When consumers visit the IKEA website, they can relate to the images. It makes consumers feel understood and like they would fit in with the products they sell. IKEA also has a cost leadership strategy on a lot of home basics. Their customer base returns time after time because they can find products that don’t break the bank. Consumers also return due to their consistent nature. They always feature a large selection of products in a very predictable, minimalist style. This further comforts their customers as they know there are high odds IKEA will have what they need. 

Another brand that embodies the Citizen is ebay. Most people know ebay as one of the first online marketplaces for selling your own products. ebay products come from everyday individuals, so it is easy for their consumers to feel like they fit in. Due to the structure of selling on the site, consumers can find products at a really great price. The auction features allows people to feel included in the process of buying an item and also allows the marketplace to drive the price. Anyone can sell on ebay as long as they fill out the selling application form, further making everyone feel included. Much like IKEA, ebay’s website contains many pictures of everyday people. The entire brand shouts inclusion and normalcy. 

Below are some ways to activate your Citizen Archetype:

  • Tap into your friendly, down-to-earth side. Ensure your dreamy clients know they belong… because THEY DO!

  • Be the comfort zone that feels safe and homey.

  • Leading in cost among competitors can work well if you continue to produce high-quality, valuable services and experiences. But don’t lose sight of your worth!

The Citizen Archetype will also strive to make their customers feel included. In a time where there is amplified pressure to stand out, the Citizen Archetype resonates with people who feel overwhelmed. Its okay to fit in! This archetype helps their dreamy clients find their place. 

Are you a Citizen Brand Archetype? Read about color palettes and font pairings for the Citizen, or curate a mood board from some of our favorite Citizen Inspiration images on Pinterest. 

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