Color Palettes for the Lover Brand Archetype

Lovers are welcoming, warm, and magnetic, and so are these color palettes! This brand archetype focuses heavily on aesthetic appeal so utilizing colors that activate the Lover within your brand can strengthen the emotional response and connection that you are trying to build.

Colors for the Lover are not only limited to the traditional pinks and reds, instead, they represent different characteristics this brand archetype possesses: welcoming and romantic, daring and sensual, and intimate and passionate. 

Welcoming & Romantic


Because the Lover’s main goal is to create a connection with others, they are extremely welcoming. Warm tones such as deep wine and pale pink invite viewers in and let them know that they are safe. This brand archetype, as the name suggests, thrives when there is a hint of romance. This means that colors such as pinks and reds help show the romantic attitude of Lover brands. This palette amplifies the magnetic and warm energy that this brand archetype does so well. 

Daring & Sensual


Lovers can be soft and welcoming but they can also be sensual, deep, and daring. A dusty purple jammy red create a sense of mystery and elevate the feelings that the Lover evokes. Soft pink compliments the purple + red, and a deep charcoal and bright white create contrast. The Lover brand archetype makes people feel things, and this second palette does just that while remaining both emotional and intentional.

Intimate & Passionate


Passionate about their customers and their missions, Lovers bring a sense of intimacy to everything that they do. Intimacy means many things, but at the end of the day, it represents a close connection. This combination of rich and high-contrast colors helps create that connection that is key to attracting customers. A pair of warm, orange undertoned browns, one soft and one saturated, are paired with two shades of soft whites; bright white and a creamier, sandy off white. A warm orange adds a bit of excitement.

When your main goal is to connect with people and those people rely on aesthetic appeal it is crucial to use colors strategically! Romantic pinks, sensual plums and emeralds, and intimate tans and beiges create the ideal palettes for attracting the dreamy Lover clients that you desire. Connect, support, and empower your audience by activating your Lover characteristics!

Are you a Lover Brand Archetype? Read about font pairings for the Lover, curate a mood board from some of our favorite Lover Inspiration images on Pinterest, or dive deeper into more information about Lovers and their key traits.


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